Consumer Audio Equipment
There is some overlap with Pro Audio equipment, so check that category also, if in doubt. If you find broken links, let me know.
- Altec A340A power amplifier schematic
- Altec Lansing 101 AM/FM tuner/preamp data w/schematic
- Altec Lansing 101B AM/FM tuner/preamp data w/schematic
- AMI Model C Jukebox amplifier schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- Antique Sound Lab AQ1002 50W stereo amplifier schematic
- Asco RV II stereo amplifier schematic
- AudioNote Ankoru amplifier schematic
- AudioNote Conquest amplifier schematic
- AudioNote Kit 1 stereo amplifier, power supply schematics
- AudioNote M7 preamp schematic
- AudioNote M-10 preamp schematic
- AudioNote NEIRO SE amp schematic
- AudioNote 211S SE amp schematic
- AudioNote 211S2 “Ongaku” SE amp schematic
- AudioNote P3 stereo amplifier schematic
- AudioNote P4 stereo amplifier schematic
- AudioNote Quest amplifier schematic
- Audio Research Classic 30 power amplifier schematic
- Audio Research D40 power amplifier schematic (one channel)
- Audio Research LS22 stereo preamp schematic
- Audio Research VT100 power amplifier schematic (one channel)
- Audio Research VT130 power amplifier schematic
- Avantic power amplifer schematic, parts list
- Bell 2145A integrated amplifier schematic
- Berning EA-230 power amplifier schematic
- Berning Siegfried amplifer, power supply schematics
- Bogen R-701 AM/FM tuner schematic
- Brimar VA12 power amplifier schematic
- Brook 10C3 power amplifier schematic
- Brook 12A power amplifier schematic
- Browning L-300 FM tuner schematic
- Conrad-Johnson MV-75 amplifier schematic
- Conrad-Johnson PV-2 preamp schematic
- Conrad-johnson PV-3 preamp schematic
- Conrad-Johnson PV-5 preamp schematic, parts list
- Conrad-Johnson PV-6 preamp schematic, parts list
- Conrad-Johnson PV-10 preamp schematic, parts list
- Conrad-johnson PV-12 preamp schematic
- David Berning EA-230 stereo power amp schematic and notes
- David Berning EA-2100 stereo power amp schematic and notes
- David Berning EA-2101 stereo power amp schematic and notes
- David Berning EA2-150B stereo power amp schematic and notes
- David Berning P-1 preamplifier schematic and notes
- David Berning TF-10 stereo preamp schematic and notes
- David Berning TF-12 stereo preamp schematic and notes
- Dynaco FM-3 stereo FM tuner schematic p.1, p.2, alignment info p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4
- Dynaco Mark II amplifier schematic
- Dynaco Mark III amplifier schematic, manual w/schematic
- Dynaco PAM-1 preamp schematic
- Dynaco PAS2/3 stereo preamp manual w/schematic
- Dynaco PAS-4 stereo preamp schematic p.1, schematic p.2, users manual (zip file)
- Dynaco SCA-35 stereo integrated amplifier schematic page 1, page 2
- Dynaco ST-35 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Dynaco Stereo 70 amplifier manual w/schematic
- Dynaco Stereo 70 Series II amplifier manual w/schematic
- for a collection of EICO audio schematics, see
- EICO HF-81 integrated amplifier links, including schematic
- EICO HFT-94 AM tuner schematic
- EICO MX-99 stereo multiplex adaptor manual w/schematic
- Electrohome PA-100 Mk I amplifier schematic
- Electro-Voice A-30 “Circlotron” power amplifier manual w/schematic: early version, late version
- Electro-Voice 12TRXB “3-Way” coaxial speaker engineering data
- Fisher 55-A power amplifier schematic (sorry for no component values)
- Fisher FM-100B FM stereo tuner schematic
- Fisher 202-R AM/FM tuner manual w/schematic
- Fisher 400-CX stereo preamp schematic
- Fisher 500-B stereo receiver service manual
- Fisher 500-C stereo receiver schematic
- Fisher 800-B stereo receiver schematic p.1, p.2
- Fisher FM-1000 FM stereo tuner manual w/schematic
- Fisher SA-16 stereo amplifer schematic (redrawn by Sheldon, SDS Labs)
- Fisher X-100-A stereo integrated amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
- Fisher X-101-C stereo integrated amplifier service manual w/schematic p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6
- Fisher X-202-B stereo integrated amplifier service manual w/schematic p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7
- Fourier Components Sans Pareil Mark I OTL power amplifier schematic P.1, P2
- Fourier Components Sans Pareil Mark III OTL power amplifier schematic, discussion
- Futterman OTL-1 power amplifier (w/o power supply) schematic
- Futterman OTL-3 power amplifier schematic
- Golden Tube Audio SI-50 “power module” schematic
- Grant G60AMS amplifier schematic
- Grommes 211 preamp schematic
- Grommes 216BA amplifier schematic
- Grommes 230BA amplifier schematic
- Grommes 260A amplifier schematic
- Gromme-Precision-Frazier F-106C schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- Grundig Majestic MS60a power amp schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- Grundig NF 1 stereo amplifier schematic
- Harmon-Kardon A224 stereo amplifier schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- Harmon-Kardon A250 integrated stereo amplifier schematic
- Harmon-Kardon A500 stereo amplifier schematic p.1, schematic p. 2
- Harmon-Kardon A700 stereo amplifier schematic
- Harmon-Kardon Citation 1 stereo preamp schematic
- Harmon-Kardon Citation 2 stereo power amplifier schematic p.1, schematic p.2
- Harmon-Kardon Citation III FM tuner schematic
- Harmon-Kardon Citation III(X) FM tuner schematic
- for more Heathkit schematics, see:
- Heathkit AJ-1600 FM Stereo tuner schematic
- Heathkit AR-15 AM/FM Stereo receiver schematic
- Heathkit AR-29 AM/FM Stereo receiver schematic
- Heathkit PT-1 AM/FM tuner schematic
- Heathkit W3-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
- Heathkit W3A-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
- Heathkit W5-M Williamson amplifier assembly manual w/schematic
- Heathkit W7-M Williamson amplifier schematic
- Heathkit WA-P2 “gold” preamp schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- Heathkit XO-1 electronic crossover schematic
- Jadis JA-80 power amplifier schematic
- Jolida SJ-502/302 integrated stereo amplifier schematic
- Jolida SJ-502/302 power amp schematic
- Kenwood KW-55U AM/FM Stereo Receiver schematic
- Knight 38K145 “Linear Deluxe” amplifier schematic
- Knight KB85 stereo integrated amp schematic p.1, p.2, p.3
- Lafayette KT-600 stereo preamp schematic
- Lafayette LA-215 stereo receiver schematic
- Leak RC/PA/U preamp schematic
- Leak preamp version 1 (Varislope mono) schematic
- Leak preamp version 2 (Varislope stereo) schematic
- Leak preamp version 3 schematic
- Leak preamp version 4 schematic
- Leak Stereo 20 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak Stereo 30 integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak Stereo 30 Plus integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak Stereo 50 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak Stereo 60 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak Stereo 70 integrated stereo power amplifier schematic
- Leak TL/10 power amplifier schematic
- Leak TL/12 power amplifier detailed information
- Leak TL/12 Plus power amplifier schematic
- Leak TL/25A power amplifier schematic
- Leak TL/25 Plus power amplifier schematic
- Leak TL/50 Plus power amplifier schematic
- Leak T.R.F. AM tuner schematic
- Leak Trough-Line 2 FM tuner schematic
- Leak Trough-Line Stereo FM tuner schematic
- Leak V.S. AM tuner schematic
- Leslie 147 power amp schematic
- Lowther LL 26 power amplifier schematic
- Masco Custom-Ten integrated amplifier schematic
- Marantz 1 (Consolette) preamp schematic
- Marantz 2 power amplifier schematic
- Marantz 3 electronic cross-over manual w/schematic
- Marantz 5 power amplifier user manual w/schematic
- Marantz 7T stereo preamp (transistorized) schematic
- Marantz 8 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Marantz 9 power amplifier schematic
- Marantz 10B FM tuner User Manual (not technical)
- Marantz T1 P-P 845 power amp schematic (Russian site)
- Meissner 9-1091 AM/FM tuner schematic
- McIntosh 50W1 amplifier schematic
- McIntosh C-8 preamp (early) schematic
- McIntosh C-8 preamp (1956) schematic, manual, Equalization Chart (contributed by Gary Galo)
- McIntosh C-11 stereo preamp schematic
- McIntosh MC-240 power amp schematic
- McIntosh MC-275 power amp schematic, voltage & resistance chart
- McIntosh MC-30 power amplifier manual (inc. schematic) p.1, p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6
- McIntosh MC-40 power amp schematic
- McIntosh MC-45 power amp schematic
- McIntosh MC-60 power amp schematic, voltage & resistance chart
- McIntosh MR-55A AM/FM tuner instruction manual and alignment manual
- McIntosh MR-65B FM stereo tuner schematic
- McIntosh MR-67 FM stereo tuner schematic
- MFA 120 amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
- J.W. Miller 565/595 Hi-Fi Crystal Tuner information & schematic
- National Horizon 5 preamp schematic
- National Horizon 20 power amp schematic
- Philips 2853R power amplifier schematic
- Philips A5X83A AM/FM tuner manual w/schematic (nl)
- Philips AG9015 stereo power amplifier manual w/schematic (nl)
- Pilot AA-420 integrated amplifier schematic
- Pilot AA-902A power amplifier schematic
- Pilot 100 FM multiplex adapter schematic
- Pilot FA-690 FM tuner schematic p.1, p. 2
- Pioneer SX-110 schematic
- Quad II power amplifier schematic
- Quad 22 preamp schematic
- Quad AM2 AM tuner schematic
- Quad FM16 FM tuner schematic
- Quad-R AM tuner schematic, component layout
- Radford STA-15 amplifier schematic
- Radford STA-25 stereo amplifier schematic
- Radford STA-25 Renaissance stereo amplifier schematic
- Radford STA-100 stereo power amplifier schematic
- Radio Craftsmen RC-10 FM/AM tuner service info w/schematic
- Radio Craftsmen “Solitare” integrated amplifier schematic
- Radio Craftsmen “Stradivarius” AM/FM receiver manual w/schematic
- R.E.L. 646-C “Precedent” FM tuner schematic
- Revox 20W P-P EL34 amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott “Exeter” console stereo schematics and service info
- H.H. Scott LC-21 stereo preamp schematic
- H.H. Scott LK-48B stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott LK-72A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott LK-72B stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott LT-10 FM stereo tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott LT-110 FM stereo tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott 99-B integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 112-B Dynaural preamp schematic
- H.H. Scott 114-A Dynaural Noise Supressor schematic
- H.H. Scott 120-A Equalizer preamp schematic
- H.H. Scott 120-CP Equalizer preamp schematic
- H.H. Scott 121 Equalizer preamp schematic
- H.H. Scott 130 preamp manual
- H.H. Scott 210D integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 222A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 222B stereo integrated amplifier service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 222C stereo integrated amplifier service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 222D stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 250 amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 296 stereo integrated amplifier schematic, Owners Guide
- H.H. Scott 299-A stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 299-C stereo integrated amplifier schematic p.1, p.2
- H.H. Scott 299-D (early) stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 299-D (late) stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 310-D FM tuner schematic p.1, p.2, service notes p.1, p.2, p. 3, layout
- H.H. Scott 310E FM stereo tuner service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 330 AM-FM Tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott 330-C AM-FM Tuner service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 333-A FM Stereo Tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott 335/LM-35 stereo multiplex adapter schematic
- H.H. Scott 340A Stereo receiver service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 350B FM stereo tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott 350C FM stereo tuner schematic
- H.H. Scott 370B FM stereo tuner service bulletin w/schematic
- H.H. Scott 380 stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- H.H. Scott 4310 FM stereo tuner schematic p.1, p.2
- Sansui 1000A stereo receiver schematic
- Sansui TU-70 AM/FM stereo tuner schematic
- Sennheiser VKS-203 stereo amplifier schematic
- Sherwood S-3000 FM tuner manual w/schematic
- Sherwood S-5000 stereo amplifier schematic
- Shure M60 preamplifier (tube) manual w/schematic
- Shure M61 preamplifier family (transistor) manual w/schematic
- Shure M65 phono preamp (tube) manual w/schematic
- Sonocraft ASC-2 FM tuner schematic
- Stromberg-Carlson AP-80 amplifier schematic
- Tannoy HF/100/20L & HF/200/20L amplifier schematic
- Telewatt VS 35 stereo amplifier schematic
- Vieta A-225 stereo integrated amplifier schematic
- Voice of Music 8810 amplifier schematic
- Webster 6122A-1A Parallel Push Pull 2A3 amplifier schematic – see Wade’s Audio and Tube pages
- —
- Recommended Archive Sites:
- Audio Circuit Denmark – Lots of schematics and manuals, many contributed by other users – mainly solid-state equipment
- AmpsLab – a large collection of vintage tube amp schematics.
- 4tubes – lots of schematics and data.
- Nostalgia Air – lots of schematics for early radios, including the complete Rider’s Manuals vol. I – V.
- Triode Electronics Schematic Index – tube-type audio equipment, including home-brew circuits.
- The Unofficial EICO Page – information and schematics for EICO hi-fi equipment
- Vintage Radio and Audio Pages – a growing collection of schematics and service info.
- H.H.Scott Hi-Fi Stereo Archive – great site for all vintage H.H. Scott equipment.
- Leak Page – excellent information on Leak.
- Tannoy Page – Tannoy information.
- Quad World – information on Quad audio equipment
- Bona’s Audio Page – Technical info and schematics
- AudioAntik – Information on tubes, tube audio electronics, old test equipment and tube friendly speakers. (from Europe)
- Golden Sound “Schemes” – Schematics of old Russian Radios, Phono Amps, etc.
- Wade’s Audio and Tube pages – pictures, schematics and commentary on vintage audio and radio equipment.